Just as each person’s handwritten signature is unique, each person’s financial plan and its related actions are also unique. Understanding that each person has their own distinct set of concerns to address, Mosher Financial Advisors (MFA) uses our Signature Financial Planning System, a well established process for working with clients, to guide and coordinate action.
To understand and account for your specific financial needs, an MFA financial planner will work with you to assess your current situation, identify concerns and determine goals. From there, we will develop a customized plan of action and coordinate implementation to help you achieve your objectives.
Thereafter, periodic follow up meetings will be held to review progress, address new concerns and situations, and adjust strategic plans as needed.
What will YOUR signature financial plan look like?
MFA’s planners will develop a personal financial plan customized around your specific needs and concerns, accounting for your philosophy and values, your family and lifestyle situation, and your unique professional and retirement status. We will work with you to build a plan that keeps you on track to achieve your objectives, which we believe produces peace of mind.