Our Philosophy

At Mosher Financial Advisors, we recognize that most of us have only one opportunity that unfolds over the course of a 40-50 year career time horizon to earn, save and invest enough money to live a good life both now and in future retirement.

Statistics indicate that the overwhelming majority of people in the marketplace today are failing to meet this challenge. With this in mind, we believe that it makes sense for people to get knowledgeable, qualified help in order to prepare and act more effectively to improve their likelihood of success.

We believe that prudent financial planning is a process that unfolds over a period of time. It begins with gathering information to make initial assessments and identify workable plans of action, followed by effective implementation to put desirable structures in place. Then, over time, we make adjustments as needed to care for new and changing concerns.

Mosher Financial Advisors’ service approach is results oriented, experience based, educational and consultative. With over a century of cumulative experience helping professionals care for themselves and their finances, the Mosher Financial Advisors team takes the time to help clients review and assess their current financial situation and concerns. We then discuss possible solutions and the thinking behind them, design effective actions to meet objectives and assist clients with implementation. Thereafter, we complete periodic reviews to keep plans current and make adjustments as needed.